Phone : +33(0)2 43 97 48 53 9 rue de la Fontaine 72600 Saint Vincent des Prés


16 - December - 2022

Samex still increasing its efforts and actions in conformity with its sustainable development commitments:

Our LABEL MORE has been renewed for 2022, this european label promotes the action of plastics producers for the circular economy and the integration of recycled plastic materials in their production.

SAMEX laureate of “FRANCE RELANCE” has joined ECOPRODUIRE AND ORPLAST training sessions and technical supports managed by ADEME the ecological transition French government agency

These programs sponsored by the French government support the companies in their sustainable products conception and production strategy or help in integrating recycled raw material in their manufacturing process.

The first step, the life cycle product analysis has been reached by our company and now we can provide environmental impacts data sheet of our products.

After two years participating a reforestation campaign with REFOREST’ACTION in TANAZANIA, SAMEX renew its commitments for two programs in PEROU and INDONESIA.

The aims of the new campaigns are to preserve the bio diversity, protect the coast of the rising water and promote the sustainable development of local people.

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